Legal Notice

  • Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH
  • Bierweg 4 · D-99310 Arnstadt
  • Chief Executive Officer

    Viktor Babushchak
    Christian Lüke

  • Trade register

    B Amtsgericht Jena HRB 110887

  • Sales tax ID number

    DE 812737567

  • Tax number

    156 / 108 / 06098

  • Copyright and warranty

    All information on the website has been compiled and carefully checked by the editors to the best of their knowledge. Nevertheless, errors in content cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore, all information is provided without any guarantee on the part of the publisher. No liability or responsibility can be accepted for errors in content, typesetting errors, omissions, prices etc. All rights reserved. No reproduction, further distribution or utilisation for commercial purposes is permitted. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

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    The author is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from his pages and hereby expressly dissociates himself from the contents of all linked pages on our website.
    Verlinkung: Eine Verlinkung auf die Homepage ist ohne Rückfrage statthaft und grundsätzlich erwünscht. Darüber hinaus dürfen Links nur derart gesetzt werden, dass die Navigationsstruktur unserer Seite vollständig erhalten bleibt. Alle anderen Arten der Verlinkung bedürfen einer schriftlichen Genehmigung des Unternehmens, setzen Sie sich dafür bitte per Email mit uns in Verbindung.

  • Privacy policy

    In order to be able to fulfil your requests for information, you will be asked to provide personal data when filling out the contact form. This information is completely voluntary and will not be passed on to third parties in accordance with data protection regulations.

  • Copyrights

    Copyright 2024 Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH. All rights reserved. The content including images and the design of the website are subject to copyright protection and other laws for the protection of intellectual property.

  • Liability

    The information that Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH makes available to you on this website has been compiled with the greatest possible care and is updated on an ongoing basis. Despite the most careful checks, it is not possible to guarantee the absence of errors. Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH therefore excludes any liability or guarantee with regard to the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the information provided on this website. This also applies in particular to websites to which reference is made via hyperlinks. Eisenwerk Arnstadt GmbH excludes any liability for the content of these websites.

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